Legal notice

Please read these terms of use carefully before using our website By browsing this website, you accept these terms in their entirety.

Website owner is a service provided by the company DataOptique

DataOptique is a Limited Company with a registered capital of 1500€, located at:

6, Avenue Gambetta - 92160 Antony - France

SIRET number: 489 490 383 00028 - RCS Nanterre 489 490 383

Website content editor

DataOptique is responsible for the management and editing of the website and its content. For any question regarding this website, please contact us through the dedicated form on our contact page, or directly via the following email address:

General terms of use

This website is accessible through and, and is operated in accordance with French and European law. The use of this website is regulated by the terms present on this page.

By using this website, you acknowledge having read these terms and have accepted them. These terms may be modified at any time without notice by the company DataOptique. The company can not be held responsible for misuse of this website’s services.

GDPR and right to access

DataOptique does not keep personal data beyond a period of 30 days and is therefore unable to provide you with access to this data.

However, we vow to help you as much as possible to get in touch with one of our customers who still has this information, as part of a survey that he or she has commissioned from us. For any request, please contact

Intellectual property

All the content on this website, included but not limited to, graphical work, images, texts, videos, motion designs, sounds, logos, gifs and icons and their layout are exclusive properties of the company DataOptique, with the exception of logos, brand names or content belonging to partner companies or authors.

Any reproduction, distribution, modification, adaptation, retransmission or publication, even partial, of these various elements is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of DataOptique. This representation or reproduction, by any means whatsoever, constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L.335-2 and following of the Code of intellectual property. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement which may engage the civil and criminal liability of the infringer. In addition, the owners of the copied content could take legal action against you.

DataOptique is also the owner of the "rights of database producers" referred to in Book III, Title IV, of the Intellectual Property Code (Law No. 98-536 of July 1, 1998) relating to copyright and databases data.

Website users and visitors can set up a hyperlink to this site, but only to its home page, accessible at the following URL: In particular, a link to a subpage ("deep link") is prohibited, as well as the opening of this site within a frame ("framing"), except with the express prior authorization of DataOptique.

Website Hosting

This website is hosted by EX2

Cookies and hypertext links

For statistical and formatting purposes, this site uses cookies. A cookie is a small file stored on your hard drive in order to save technical data while you browse a website. Some parts of this website cannot function properly without the use of cookies.

DataOptique’s websites can sometimes link to other websites or resources available on the internet. DataOptique cannot monitor these websites and resources constantly. WELWOT thus cannot be held responsible if these sites and resources are no longer available, and cannot guarantee they always will be.

We cannot be held responsible for any damage, whatever it may be, resulting from opening one of these external sites or resources. This includes any services, information or products they may offer, or the use that you make of them. The responsibility of the risks related to using them falls entirely to the user, who must follow the external site’s terms of service accordingly.